Decluttering in Lockdown

Learning to say no and declutter your personal belongings will help you beat the January Lockdown blues, and with everything so much out of control at the moment, tiny shifts to your life can make a huge difference.

New Year Blues

Every January, we hear the same phrase being thrown about too often: “New Year, New You” as millions of people set out a drastic plan to transform their lives in hope to change any bad habits from the previous year, only to find themselves abandoning their ambitious plans just a couple of weeks later – maybe avoid the whole ‘Stop eating chocolate for a year’ plan, as we know like 2020, 2021 is off to a rough start already.

According to a recent survey, only 1 in 4 people in Britain actually stick to their ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ they set themselves. There are some very reasonable points why this is the case. For Example, one point could be that people are too ambitious, and yet every year, ambitious resolutions seem to be the most popular that people make in the UK.

As we’re going to be spending some more time at home, as we face a third national lockdown in England, the team at Doncaster Container Storage thought it would be a good idea to compile some top tips on not only keeping New Year’s Resolutions to a basic task, but also to help clear your mind during the January Lockdown Blues.

Help your Headspace to clear the January Lockdown Blues

The importance of an effective domestic cleaning routine has become more prevalent in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, so making your life easier by decluttering any bits of Christmas and New Year away makes a lot of sense and helps clear your mind while we stay at home more.

If you’re like your us, all the social-distancing, the self-isolation, and the scary COVID charts on the news can affect our mental health, it’s only natural that we meet our needs for contact with others and basic human connection with each other. Therefore, we must remember to look after our emotional well-being.

While prioritising headspace over living space may seem like the right thing to do, there is however, plenty of evidence to suggest that decluttering can have a positive impact on our mental health and also how we feel throughout the day.

Being organised gives one sense of control even in days where our control has been taken away from us, it can help manage stress levels and level the amount of cortisol that is found in our bodies.  

Find a Safe Place

With the vast majority of us confined to our homes, our self-storage facility is remaining open to our loyal customers who need they’re essential belongings or need to store things to decrease the clutter in their homes.

With many charity shops and recycling centres off limits to the general public, you’ll need to find somewhere to put your belongings in a safe place, and that’s where Doncaster Container Storage comes in.

See why its Important to beat the January Lockdown Blues