Christmas, ah – yes! It’s that festive time of the year again, and after a sad and depressing 2020, you’re probably already putting your tree up. Here at Doncaster Container Storage, we don’t blame you, and we have the ultimate hiding place for you to hide all the Christmas presents.
For a start, where on earth are you going to hide all the presents, and that giant game of Jenga which you picked up from your Lockdown shopping trip to Aldi? Remember it’s 2020, and yes thankfully the year is coming to an end, but there’s a lot more furniture now as you might have guessed, such as your computer and work chair while you worked from home, paints, paper, all sorts of crafty stuff as you occupied yourself by staying indoors.
The Christmas period is always a stressful and challenging time financially, and this year is no different. Hiding presents from children, and well – adults as well (yes, the Husbands are the biggest children of them all) is difficult, especially if there’s no space in the occasional places, such as the wardrobe, under the bed or in the boot of the car.
Here at Doncaster Container Storage, we have the answer…. Rent a self-storage unit or container for a couple of weeks running up till Christmas. We understand that money is tight this year, but renting one at just £10 a week is incredibly convenient and flexible.
You know what’s more annoying? Hearing someone at the door, you’re upstairs getting out the shower, and you rush nearly half naked to answer the door, but they leave and drop “Sorry we missed you” card through the letterbox. It’s really frustrating when that happens, as you could have been one present away from finishing the wrapping.
However, here at DCS missing a delivery isn’t such a big issue if you rent with us, as we can accept deliveries on your behalf during our opening hours, put them in our safe holding room and you can collect when it’s more convenient for you – maybe get dressed first though.