People can deal with bereavement in lots of different ways, some struggle more while some throw themselves into practical tasks straightaway and may not feel the loss until much later. There is no such thing as a ‘normal’ grief: everyone copes in their own way.
Whenever you are ready to tackle the practicalities of losing a loved one, you may struggle to know what to do with their belongings – no doubt, this is always at the back of your mind, and even going through them can be an emotional rollercoaster.
One Step at a Time during Bereavement
Don’t feel rushed into disposing of their belongings. You may come to regret parting with certain items, either for sentimental or practical reasons. If you have to sell your loved one’s home quickly, don’t be hasty in giving away or selling their belongings: there are other options. DCS can help you through this process at your own pace.
Once the items of sentimental value have been divided up and taken good care of in our Storage Units, you can then turn your attention to everything else.
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Contact Us
If you have any questions from packing items to storing in our Storage Units, one of our helpful team members will be on hand to assist or you can call us here.